Well, back to the old config, I spent the day re-applying my custom firewall rules
and tweaking Avast only to find that after a restart when I navigated to mark PunkBuster
as trusted that I had no custom rules, I was at this all day off and on between the girls
and people stopping over. I got very grumpy, lets put it that way lol
I reverted to a restore point from the 7th and said screw it I am not doing that again.
My lesson here would be I let my curiosity get the better of me, and maybe the adage
"if it aint broke don't fix it" kinda thing. My friend laughed at me when I told him the story
I told him where he could stick his Avast and we both laughed. I was still upset though I hate wasting
that much time and dedication only to see it not pay off, but hey such is life at times.
I do believe I won't be curious again anytime soon, and if I am, Frog buddy direct me here to
this post as an intervention will ya ?