It may be necessary to protect the "safer" registry hive from outside changes (without Hard_Configurator), options "Secure Profile" or "Secure Rules".
Regfile srp_disable.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
disables SRP protection, and after that SwitchDefaultDeny (SDD) determines the SRP status correctly, but cannot enable it until the regfile is applied srp_enable.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
View attachment 244620
The changes in the HKLM Registry Hive require elevation of privileges.
The SRP settings in the H_C are intentionally configured to allow processes with Admin rights (to avoid problems related to blocking system processes). It means that the malware running with Admin rights do not need to disable SRP, because SRP does not see it anymore.
This scenario is not an issue in the home environment on well updated Windows with well updated software. The H_C Recommended Settings are very restrictive for processes running with standard privileges, so the malware has very small chances to run and even fewer chances to elevate.
Switching OFF the restrictions does a lot more than simply changing the SRP DefaultLevel. It is intended to remove the SRP restrictions temporarily, but remembers the last restrictions (so they can be restored with one mouse click). Changing the SRP DefaultLevel does not switch OFF the restrictions, so they cannot be switched ON. SwitchDefaultDeny is not intended to solve the configuration problems, but it is intended to simplify the installation of applications in the UserSpace.
All the above and probably most of your future questions were already explained (several times) on this forum. But, the quickest way is simply to read the H_C manual. You can start from FAQ.